1949 The Walking Hills ***
1950 Mystery Street ***
1953 Jeopardy ***
1953 Escape From Fort Bravo ***
1955 Bad Day at Black Rock ***1/2
1956 Backlash ***
1957 Gunfight at the OK Corral ***
1958 The Law and Jake Wade ***
1958 The Old Man and the Sea **1/2
1959 Last Train From Gun Hill ***
1959 Never So Few ***
1960 The Magnificent Seven ***
1962 Sergeants 3 ***
1962 A Girl Named Tamiko **1/2
1963 The Great Escape ***
1965 The Hallelujah Trail **1/2
1967 Hour of the Gun ***
1968 Ice Station Zebra ***
1969 Marooned **
1972 Joe Kidd ***
1974 Q **
1976 The Eagle Has Landed ***