1946 Dragonwyck **1/2
1946 Somewhere in the Night ***
1946 Backfire
1947 The Late George Apley ***
1947 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir ***1/2
1948 Escape
1949 A Letter to Three Wives ***1/2
1949 No Way Out ***
1950 All About Eve ****
1951 People Will Talk ***
1952 Five Fingers ***1/2
1953 Julius Caesar ***
1954 The Barefoot Contessa ***
1955 Guys and Dolls ***1/2
1958 The Quiet American ***
1960 Suddenly Last Summer ***
1963 Cleopatra ***
1964 A Carol for Another Christmas **1/2
1967 The Honey Pot **1/2
1970 There Was a Crooked Man ***
1972 Sleuth! ***1/2