It’s nice Delmer Daves found a champion at Criterion but are Jubal and 3:10 to Yuma really worth much critical reconsideration? Why no love for the far superior westerns of Jacques Tourneur? Martin Scorsese makes a winning argument for The Red House, but Dark Passage would have been so much better without the POV camera. Talk about a missed opportunity! Still, Daves’ anti-westerns are probably the best of their lot and I feel sorry for anyone who can’t enjoy the campy fun of Rome Adventure and Youngblood Hawke.
1943 Destination Tokyo ***
1944 Hollywood Canteen ***
1945 Pride of the Marines ***1/2
1947 The Red House ***1/2
1947 Dark Passage ***1/2
1948 To the Victor **1/2
1950 Broken Arrow ***
1953 Never Let Me Go ***
1956 Jubal ***
1957 3:10 to Yuma ***1/2
1958 Cowboy ***
1958 Kings Go Forth **1/2
1959 The Hanging Tree ***
1959 A Summer Place ***
1961 Parrish ***
1961 Susan Slade ***
1962 Rome Adventure ***
1963 Spencer’s Mountain **1/2
1964 Youngblood Hawke ***